texpap | 2011
Project realized together with Jasmin Koschutnig.
There is a great abundance of old textiles that is no longer used. We started our research from the desire to change that situation by finding a new recycling method for this.
Less than half of the old textiles collected in the Netherlands are reallocated, the rest is recycled or goes to waste incineration. The quality of recycled textile is usually lower after processing than that of the original material. Our goal was to find a new recycling method in which old textiles are converted into qualitatively good material. For this we looked at the paper industry, which re-uses without problems and quality is maintained. We only worked with old textiles and paper and made a combination of both to form a new material. The manual creation as a method seemed a suitable starting point for our research. The cellulose in the paper then serves as a textile binding material.